This home page contains all kinds of information about my hobby: playing the french horn. I am not only an enthousiastic french horn player, but I'm also a member of the Dutch Horn Society. Therefore this page also contains some information about that society. Additionally you can look here for some things that are not directly related to french horn playing, but to music in general.
At the end of 2005 I started a new project: the Hornplayers Family Tree. Through a link on this page you can have a look at the Hornplayers Family Tree, and maybe submit your own information. It took some time before the Hornplayers Family Tree was completely functional, but from February 1 2007 the first submitted information is available online.
Although I do my best to translate all contents of this home page to English, there is a fair chance that the Dutch version is just a bit more up to date. Sorry about that ...
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